Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Last Friday was our school's sports day. And it was like, the lamest thing EVER. We only had..lemme see, long jump, high jump, 100m, tarik tali, cakera, lembing, lontar peluru...

Yeah I think that's about it. See? Told you it was lame.

The story goes like this :
I was supposed, supposed, to be in long jump. But because our teacher is just SO 'efficient', everybody's event kacau-bilau, kucar-kacir, kusut-masai. 

Mine became 100m and high jump. Haiya. Some more the day before that purposely go train for long jump. I actually had a chance dude!!! (Not really)

100m - I got last. (giving other people a chance to win. I'm gracious.)

High Jump - Eheheh. It will remain etched in my mind forever. So I had like 3 jumps. 

I just ran and jump. I literally just FLOPPED on the mattress.
After being humiliated, I decided to try a different approach. I copied how the athletes do it. You know, the one where they arch their backs and jump over?

Yeah. I just don't have those high jump cells in my body. 

Anyway, the third time I improved dramatically. Still knocked the pole over though. My friends were all cheering in the field, I let them down! Gasp!

After being disqualified, LOL, I got my hands on a pembesar suara and cheered for my other purple teammate. It was between Blue and Purple. Blue's turn was up. This is how it goes. 
Me: Go purple! Purple Yay! Blue, lose so that purple can go into the next round! PURPLE!

And it was then two blue people came over and threatened me. 

CHEER FOR BLUE TOO! they said. And so I change my cheering tactics.

Me: go blue. 


Then my friend yelled form the other end of the field. She said, sing a song to encourage her! And so I went:

Me: 还记得昨天,那个夏天,微风吹过的。。

And then my pembesar saura was taken away.

the end

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