Hello there people. I have recently just discovered that it is possible to create another page. I intend to abuse my new found knowledge by creating an about page, so ask me anything!
It could be about how awesome I am, or how to be awesome (like I am), or are you awesome (like I am) (which I doubt) (but ask me anyway!)
Or it could be something profound you know, like 'what is the answer to the universe?' or 'what is the true meaning of happiness?'
It could also be something I know nothing of, like how to cure Herpes. Or how to contract Herpes. (If you DO ask me this, then really. I worry about you.)
Really, just ask me anything.
You could email me your questions at aprilmelodytan@yahoo.com
Or you could just comment down there.
Whichever, makes you happy. =)
In the meantime, go here! Though there's nothing in it due to temporary construction.
There IS a picture though.
Click it.
Why are you so funnily retarded ?
why is your picture so funnily retarded?
Don't answer a question with a question !
I didin't. Now you made me answer my answer with an answer. (just got mind blown didn't you)
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