Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Boom Baby

You know, the other day when I was studying my Chemistry, I flipped pass a page that made me remember something lawak. So it was the periodic table, and about the elements in Group 1. For people who hasn't, or doesn't intend to, or has had but forgotten, let me give you a crash course.

PeriodicTable.jpg image by eafalbum

The diagram above is the Periodic Table. See group 1? It's the first row (duh!) from the left. So you should be seeing Lithuim L, Sodium Na, and Potassium K. Okay, the reactivity in this group increases as it goes down the group.
So in terms of explosion:

Lithuim-----> boom
Sodium-----> BOOM
Potassium---> BOOOOOOM 

Get the picture? Sadly enough, explosions are considered 'dangerous' and 'hazardous'. We aren't 'allowed' to play with 'fire'. We could only put the stuff in water. Pffft. Lame, I know. Luckily enough for me though, 4sc3 is able to make anything awesome. Like, AWESOME!!! Time for the flashback.

A year ago, Chemistry Lab.
'Hari ini kita buat experiment! Tengok reactivity Lithuim, Soduim dan Potassium!' Junaidah yelled.

You had to yell in our class. Anything below yelling can't be heard. It's a fact. And Juniadah was so tiny. She has to yell to be seen anyway. Cute little thing. Just imagine her controlling OUR class. 4sc3. The most dreaded class. Our stand out point is laziness and noise.

'Ini Lithuim! We put Lithuim in water and see the reactivity! Then we compare observation! Tengok yang mana react lebih dashyat!'

We watched impatiently as the teacher took out a pair of thongs, take out a jar, remove the lid, and carefully take out a piece of metal. (Oooh..shiny.) Then she put the metal on a piece of paper, and then take out a knife and cut off a small portion. Then she use the thongs to pick up the metal and put it back in...

This was taking too long. My class cannot duduk diam-diam mia, how you expect us to sit still for so long? Then somebody asked,

'Kenapa cikgu? Racun ke?' cause, according to the book, its not.

'Taklah, saya tak mau kotorkan tangan.' 

And we were all whaaaat...

Anyway, the teacher was taking too freaking long, the noise started to build up. Soon there was noise everywhere, I'm not joking. Frequent exposure to this can really lead to loss of hearing. And my tiny little teacher was like,

'Diam! Diam! Duduk dan tengok!' She was still capping the lid but the noise was overwhelming. It's like, a sea of noise coming from all sides. Un-blockable. And still, the noise was increasing. You'd think there would be a limit to how loud noise can be, but you're wrong.

Clumsily, she quickly filled a bowl with water and threw the metal in. Then she used the mic and shouted

'Tengok dia react! Tengok dia react!' 

Nobody listened at first, but then we heard a fizzing noise. We all turned to look. And there it was, the most adorable thing. The Lithuim was just zipping across on top of the water.

Zip Zip Zip..

'Ooooooh...' everyone became quiet and watched the thing. 

Pleased that the noise finally stopped, she tried explaining the science behind the thing, but of course the noise started increasing again. And the teacher was like, no..no..oh gawd just make the noise stop!
And in a moment of desperation, she said,

'Soduim lebih dashyat lagi!'

We all shaddup-ed immediately, excited to see more action. The teacher then picked up the thongs again. We groaned. Not again. The noise increased, increased, increased. The teacher knew it was coming. She frantically threw the thongs away, yanked off the lid, and took out the metal with her bare hands. Then she seperated a small piece of metal with her fingernails. Fingernails. She must be desperate dude.

'Ini soduim! Ini Soduim!' And then she threw the thing into the water.

This soduim was even more awesome than Lithuim. It became like, a silvery ball that zipped so fast across the surface, it was a white blur to us. It also left behind a trail of foam or something, it was so beautiful. After burning itself out, it went 'pop'.

We applauded! Again again! we demanded. And then the students at the back said

'Cikgu, tak tengok lah! Guna soduim tu besar sikit!'

We were so excited the noise started building up again. And the teacher said,
'Ok, ok! saya bagi kamu semua keluar ke longkang di luar tengok sendiri!' 

Totally unorthodox, but she just wanted to get rid of the noise.

Whooo! Like a riot, we stormed out of the class, yelling

Soduim! Soduim! Soduim!

We crowded around the drain further up. The drain was quite deep. Then we had a mini countdown as we dropped the thing in. Almost immediately the Soduim started zipping across the water. We were all cheering for that single tiny piece of metal. Like jungle people. Some Form threes on the way to the Science lab walked by us and joined in the fun. They too were amazed at the beauty of Soduim. And much too soon, the soduim went 'pop'. We went awwwww! Everyone was sad to see it go.

Just then, Stanley ran out from the Chemistry lab, laughing like a happy lil girl. In his hand, he carried a large piece of metal. We cheered! The thing in the size of his hand was HUGE. Comparatively:

The teacher ran out from the class. 

'Jangan main-mian! Bahaya! Bawa balik! Jangan ambil begitu besar! BAHAYA!' She shouted. 

But she was helpless. Stanley already reached the drain and threw it in. Wow I swear, before the thing even hit the water it already started reacting. And this metal was just a-ma-zing. Like Soduim, it zipped around the water. And you know what? This metal was actually on fire! Imagine that! On fire in water! We were all amazed. Our heads were practically in the drain trying to look at the thing.

"Wow, what metal is this?" I asked Stanley while gazing at the beautiful fire resistant thing.

"Potassium , I think." He answered, gazing at the waterproof fireball too. 

I snapped out of my trance.

"What did you say? Potassium?'

"Uh huh"

"Isn't that like, below Soduim?" 


"Oh crap. Run eveyone! RUN!" 

Ahhhhhhh!! Everyone ran away like a drunkards. I even saw my friends bang into each other. Before I could even laugh, I heard the explosion. Think of it this way. If a tiny piece of Soduim let off a 'pop' sound, imagine the sound a larger, more reactive piece of metal would make.

It went Boom! And then the water from the drain splashed out like a fountain. Seriously. It went about 2feet high, and just splashed everywhere.

.splashing everywhere.

. comparing its height

And then Junaidah came out and started scolding us. Totally unfair. We didn't do anything wrong besides stand beside a drain. Then she chased away the form 3 students who were so happy. I bet they couldn't wait to get into form4.

"Masuk balik! Masuk balik! Nanti rehat TAK BOLEH keluar!" The teacher chased us back in like chickens. She even tried to chase one form 3 student in. Poor girl.

Despite being deprived of our recess, we went back in happily anyway. All the while talking and yakking away, much to the teacher's despair. The bell rang. Everyone stood up to go out.

"Nanti! Saya kata TAK BOLEH keluar! Duduk!"

"Te-ri-maaaa kaaaaa-sihhhhh ciiiiiiik-guuuu!"

Then we keluar-ed.

The End.


Stanley said...

Those were the days..The happiest memory~Miss those days la..playing with those metals..and i still remember i almost burnt down the lab with napthalene~

Chickenz United said...

yes yes..and the guard just put sand on it.

Stanley said...

yalor..he spoiled the fun..should let junaidah to use the fire extinguisher~

Chickenz United said...

hahah..she's so small. i wan to see her carry it!

Stanley said...

hahax..i still remember junaidah screaming..keluar!!semua orang keluar cepat!!