Thursday, May 16, 2013

Effects of 2nd hand smoke

Week 2 of extremely-delayed-new-years-weight-loss-resolution-plan-thingy:

Trying to diet is proving impossible. First my mum comes to visit - we eat. Then my dad comes back. We eat again. Somebody's birthday - food. Somebody's farewell - food. Somebody's anything really - FOOD.

Also, my bosses have been on really tight deadlines, so every lunch break also call me da bao for them. And they always give me extra money to cover my own lunch. The words 'Free food' and 'Malaysian' have NEVER gone together EVER in a sentence. As if that wasn't enough, both my bosses are women who are prone to stress eating - trips to Baskin Robbins and Coffee Bean are getting increasingly common. I don't know if I should be happy or not.

In other news, this is a picture from the treadmill I ran on.

Stupid machine. You don't know the plight of the humans!

I ran 2km in under 15 minutes, at a speed of 11.5kph, and the damn machine tells me I'm only at level 1. This treadmill was definitely made by Asians. Or maybe I'm just fat. Sadly enough, this picture was taken 3 days ago. Since then I haven't been to the gym and have been spending my time eating instead with said father above (refer to paragraph 1).

Said father above has also been smoking a lot in an air-conditioned house, so a disturbing amount of life-threatening second hand smoke has been happily entering my lungs. Said lungs is now believed to have contracted cancer.

Owner of lungs is displeased. 3 days ago said lungs could easily sustain a 15 minute run, but now it could barely support a 5 minute walk. If anyone is doing a case study on how fast a person dies from second hand smoke, this is some pretty solid info.

Anyway to wrap this up, above mentioned father has been lectured about giving his daughter cancer. The father listened to the daughter patiently while lighting up another cigarette. The daughter wonders why she even tries.


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